In this example, we are going to create a program that can convert an eight binary data into an integer value using BinaryToInteger.DLL. Before we start, you have to create a user interface like this picture.
Every edit box holds a bit of binary data. So there is a byte binary data (8 bits) that will be converted into an integer value. A binary data holds ‘0’ or ‘1’, so we need to limit the input of each edit box. And the code will be :
procedure TForm1.bit8KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
if not (key in ['0','1',#8,#13]) then
To use BinaryToInteger.DLL, you must declare the function after {$R *.DFM}
{$R *.DFM}
function BinToInt(S : String): integer; stdcall; external 'BinaryToInteger.dll';
Don forget, you must place your BinaryToInteger.DLL in the same folder with this project, or you can place this DLL file in the directory : c:\windows\system.
The code of OnClick even of ConvertButton :
procedure TForm1.ConvertButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
BinaryData : string;
BinaryData := bit8.Text + bit7.Text + bit6.Text + bit5.Text +
b it4.Text + bit3.Text + bit2.Text + bit1.Text;
IntegerValue.Caption := IntToStr(BinToInt(BinaryData));
You can download the complete code of this example program here.
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